Unfortunately, the Open Days for Reception 2025 have already taken place. However, if you would still like to visit our wonderful school, please contact the school office as we are more than happy to give you a tour and answer any questions you may have.


Discovering things for themselves, rather than being told, is a great way to learn in a meaningful way. It’s not always finding out why things work but also learning from why things don’t work. At Lady Katherine, we want to inspire curiosity in all children while also enabling children to make connections between previous knowledge. We also recognise that exploration is a vital part of children’s learning and the teaching and learning of Science should be done through practical experiences wherever possible. As ‘confident learners’ our children will be encouraged to ask questions, take risks, experiment, reflect, make and learn from mistakes, in a safe environment: whereby as ‘global learners’ they acquire and apply core skills which equip them for an ever-changing world.

As ‘joyful leaners,’ we intend that our pupils will enjoy their learning.  We intend to deliver a rich curriculum, based on the EYFS framework and the National Curriculum. Units have been written to provide hands on opportunities to investigate, observe and to ask and answer questions. Knowledge and skills build-up progressively across the units as children move through the school. For investigative work, planning experiments, analysing data and making and evaluating hypotheses and conclusions, we use a scientific enquiry framework. This framework is consistent throughput KS1 and 2 to support children’s learning in this area. Outdoor learning is maximised through the use of our extensive grounds and through Forest School activities.