Unfortunately, the Open Days for Reception 2025 have already taken place. However, if you would still like to visit our wonderful school, please contact the school office as we are more than happy to give you a tour and answer any questions you may have.

Vision & Values


To learn, love and live with joy. 

We work for: 

  • Joy and fulfilment in aspirational learning for everyone 
  • Joy in loving one another as God loves us. 
  • Joy filled lives where everyone is included and celebrated for who they are. 
  • Joyful worship, celebrating God’s goodness and inspiration in us. 
  • We look to the Gospel of John 15:11 (NIV) to guide our school’s work: 

Jesus’ joy in us and our joy complete. 

While this scripture reference guides our work, we also hold dear the ministry of Jesus and his teachings through the parables and use these scriptures as a vehicle to help live out our values and better understand our place in the world.  It is the biblical value of joy that guides our school’s work. 

Christian Vision 

We are all made in the image of God (Gen 1:27).  We are invited to see God’s beauty and joy in others.  Modelled on the character of Jesus, at Lady K we value the beauty of difference and have a deep respect for the stories of those who are most overlooked.  Just as Jesus came into the world to bring God’s Kingdom, we see our role as sharing the values and message of his Kingdom to all we meet through the joy of knowing that we are with him. 

Our vision and values both recognise how the Good News of Jesus changed lives; at Lady K, we too aspire to enhance the life chances of our learners and to drive the transformation that is needed to serve our community.   

From small beginnings… 

Lady K is a small rural school, and while we lack a geographical community, we have a widely dispersed, rich school community.  Just as Jesus gathered people from all walks of life, we enjoy gathering learners and their families and we intentionally welcome them into our school community where they can encounter the fullness of God’s joy and flourish. 


At Lady K we have 7 core values with JOY at the heart.  Modelled on the character of Jesus and the stories he shared, we feel these values best reflect our pupils’ strengths and needs. 


Mustard Seed:  1 Cor 12:27 

Together you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of that body.  


Good Samaritan:  Luke 10:37  

Go and do likewise. 


Friend at midnight: John 15:15 

I no longer call you servants but friends. 


Prodigal Son:  Lk 15:20 

While he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him. 


Sheep and goats: Mt 25:40 

Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. 


Talents – Mt 25:21 

Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.