Open Days for Reception 2025! Tuesday 15th October 5:00pm and Wednesday 16th October 10:00am


Statutory Inspection Of Anglican And Methodist Schools (SIAMS)

Each Church school and academy is required to have a Section 48 Inspection for a judgement on its distinctiveness and effectiveness as a Church of England school. 

The purpose of the SIAMS inspection is to verify the school’s evaluation of its performance in relation to the ways in which each school’s theologically rooted Christian vision drives its work and enables the school to live up to its foundation as a Church school.

SIAMS inspection focuses on the impact of the Church school’s Christian vision on pupils and adults. This involves looking at the school’s Christian vision, the provision the school makes because of this vision and how effective this provision is in enabling all pupils to flourish.

We are pleased to share that our current SIAMS inspection grade is ‘Good’.

“The school is a haven of Christian love and joy. The wellbeing of all is a top priority and the
vision is a life changing reality. As a result, everyone, without exception, is nurtured to be
the best unique individual they can be.”

“Lady Katherine Leveson is highly inclusive and cherishes the worth of every single member
of the school family. Dedicated staff go above and beyond to both care for and support all
pupils. This includes the most vulnerable, those who have special educational needs
and/or disabilities (SEND) and their families.”

“Relationships with the Birmingham Diocesan Multi-Academy Trust (BDMAT) and the local
church are exceptional and valued by all. In turn they contribute to the flourishing of the
whole community, enabling all to experience joy in their living and learning.”

“Collective worship is inspirational and at the heart of daily school life. It is a clear
expression of the school’s Christian vision and values. The positive relationship with the
local clergy enriches pupils’ experience of worship.”

“Enquiry led religious education (RE) lessons are rich in discussion. The provision is
engaging, creative and progressive. Pupils are enabled to talk about their own personal
beliefs as well as those of others with confidence, depth and respect.”


Click here to view our latest SIAMS Report