All children are expected to wear the school uniform. In addition, Nursery children may wear the school tracksuit, as this is easily removed for changing and toileting. We request that clothes and shoes are easy to put on and off, as this aids greater independence and helps both the children and the adults. A shirt and tie is not suitable for children in the Foundation Key Stage and KS1. Also available is a waterproof jacket in the school royal blue, with school crest.
Uniform can be ordered on line from Top Form
www.top-form.co.uk or Palmers, 1640 High Street, Knowle, Solihull, B93 0AN.
Miss Russell also has some second hand items of uniform.
Clothes should be suitable for the weather and footwear safe for being around school.
A pair of wellies is also essential as we spend much of the day outside and children should bring a spare bag of clothes into school.
Nursery can dress in school uniform, however it is not compulsory. School tracksuit bottoms can also be worn. Children attending Nursery sessions must bring a bag of spare clothes and nappies and wipes if required.
Please make sure all items of clothing are clearly named, including coats
Uniform School Policy
- Haircuts should be appropriate for school and no tram lines are allowed.
- All long hair must be tied back for P.E. (both boys and girls)
- Jewellery should not be worn, apart from plain stud earrings in pierced ear and a watch if necessary. If earrings are worn, please provide a roll of micro pore tape (or similar) for PE lessons.
- No nail varnish
- Shirt and tie can be worn at any time throughout the year but must be worn by KS2 children after October half term until Easter
School Bag
The children will need to take home letters and reading books from school. For Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, please ensure your child brings to school a book bag every day. Year 3,4,5 and 6 can bring in a rucksack.
Casual Clothes Days
On occasions children are allowed to wear casual clothes to school and are charged £1 to support a charity or school fund. Clothes should be suitable for the weather and footwear safe for being around school.