Open Days for Reception 2025! Tuesday 15th October 5:00pm and Wednesday 16th October 10:00am


Appeal applications should be made in writing to the Chair of the Local Academy Board for any Church of England Solihull school which is its own Admissions Authority (any Academy or Voluntary Aided school). Please ask the school/Academy for an Appeal Form. You must give written reasons for your appeal.

Once an appeal has been lodged, appellants will receive at least 14 calendar days written notice of their appeal hearing date (although appellants can waive their right to this). Appeal papers will be sent to all parties at least 5 calendar days prior to the appeal hearing.

If you would like to submit additional evidence prior to the appeal hearing, you should ensure that this is submitted to the Appeal Clerk at least 7 calendar days prior to the appeal hearing. Decision letters will be sent within 7 calendar days following the hearing, where practicable.