Lady Katherine Leveson CE Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children. We have a number of policies and procedures in place that contribute to our safeguarding commitment, which can be viewed on the policies page within the parents section of our website.
All staff, including supply staff, regular visitors, students, tutors for after school clubs and volunteers are subject to DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) checks. This is to ensure that unsuitable people are prevented from working with children. New staff are recruited following procedures outlined in “Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education.‟ Jan 07. There is always someone who has completed the Safer Recruitment Training on every interview panel.
Safeguarding is a collective responsibility for the whole of the Governing Body. The Governor with named responsibility for Safeguarding is Mrs Nic Hammett.
School staff wear identity badges signifying their position in school. Visitors are asked to wear their visitors badge in a prominent position at all times.
All parents are asked to give permission for appropriate photographs and short films of children to be made within their school life. Parents can refuse permission at any time.
During the working day, the gates are locked and entrance is from the Fen End Road West gate only. All visitors are requested to go to the office before attending to business. They are required to sign in so that checks can be made and visitor badges distributed.
Staff with particular responsibility for safeguarding within school
Neil Kitching Head Teacher, Designated Safeguard Leader [email protected]
Vicky Russell Child and Family Support Worker, Deputy Designated Safeguard Leader [email protected]
Michelle Pitt Care & Play Manager, Deputy Designated Safeguard Leader [email protected]
Nic Hammett Chair of Governors and responsibility for safeguarding [email protected]