Unfortunately, the Open Days for Reception 2025 have already taken place. However, if you would still like to visit our wonderful school, please contact the school office as we are more than happy to give you a tour and answer any questions you may have.

Religious Education

The Christian faith was the inspiration behind the formation of the school in 1674 and continues to shape all aspects of our endeavours.  The legacy is widened throughout all of the curriculum, but particularly in our Collective Worship and teaching of Religious Education.  


To learn, love and live with joy:  Jesus’ joy in us and our joy complete (Jn 15:11) 

At Lady K we work for: 

• Joy and fulfilment in aspirational learning for everyone 

• Joy in loving one another as God loves us. 

• Joy filled lives where everyone is included and celebrated for who they are. 

• Joyful worship, celebrating God’s goodness and inspiration in us. 

RE Curriculum: Understanding Christianity and The Emmanuel Project 

Religious Education is timetabled weekly and taught in line with the Statement of Entitlement. The Emmanuel Project and Understanding Christianity form a progressive curriculum and ensure a consistent philosophy across both strands of learning in RE from EYFS – Y6.  Teaching and learning in RE is consistent with that across the curriculum with a focus on vocabulary and Keys to Success.  The same pedagogical practices (I do/we do/you do) that are used in other subject areas, are embedded within the RE planning process.   

Lady K is a place where all pupils and adults are comfortable with each other’s beliefs.  As such, the RE Curriculum has been designed to celebrate diversity and encourages pupils to find connections rather than differences through their studies. Each RE unit is based around a ‘Big Questions’ and throughout the sequence of lessons, pupils are encouraged to think critically, drawing connections between their own beliefs and those of others.  Relevant and diverse, the RE long term plan covers philosophies such Humanism and Buddhism; spirituality as well as faith, whilst also prioritising that 60% of the content taught is around Christianity. 

At Lady K we strive for ‘aspirational learning’ for everyone.  We intend to challenge our pupils to develop a deep knowledge and understanding of Christianity, other religions and world views.  Through an investigative approach, we want our pupils to reflect on and consider important questions of identity and belonging, questions of meaning and values and commitments.  Through the teaching of RE, we will offer pupils opportunities for personal reflection and spiritual development. They will consider the influence of religion on individuals, families, communities and cultures. We know that RE plays an important role in preparing pupils for adult life, employment and lifelong learning. It helps pupils become successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens. It gives them the knowledge, skills and understanding to discern and value truth and goodness, strengthening their capacity for making moral judgements and for evaluating different types of commitment to make positive and healthy choices.  

As ‘joyful leaners,’ we intend that our pupils will enjoy their learning and flourish.  We have created a culture, inspired by our vision, that promotes ‘fullness of joy’ for everyone, whatever their circumstances or challenges. Through understanding and respect, we intend to deliver a rich curriculum, sharing in song and performance, enriched with visits and visitors. 

We believe that a visit to a place of worship is a hugely enriching experience as part of RE and allows pupils to see that places of worship are more than just a building but a living community. We map out the educational visits so that all our children will visit different places of worship during their journey at Lady Katherine.

We intend to use moral and social awareness to support local charity work, but we also instil within our pupils that they too can play a part in righting the injustices of not just our own community, but beyond; to use their voices for justice and to act responsibly for what is right.  We also work closely with the Care Home and members of the Foundation of Lady Katherine Leveson.  

As identified in the Statement of Entitlement, teaching and learning in RE in this school will provide:  

  • A challenging and robust curriculum based on an accurate theological framework.  
  • An assessment process which demonstrates progression based on knowledge and understanding of core religious concepts.  
  • A curriculum that draws on the richness and diversity of religious experience worldwide.  
  • In EYFS, pupils study Christianity, including an encounter with a story from a different religion.  
  • In KS1, pupils study Christianity, Islam, Judaism and a multi-faith unit about praying.  
  • In KS2, pupils study Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Sikhism, Buddhism and Humanism.  
  • We use Understanding Christianity, The Emmanuel Project, and other resources for teaching RE such as Picturing Christianity and Picturing Jesus. 
  • RE has an allocation of up to 10% of curriculum time throughout school. We expect our younger learners to spend less time each week and our older pupils slightly longer.  
  • The teaching of Christianity within the RE curriculum is over 60% of the total.   
  • A pedagogy that instils respect for different views and interpretations; and, in which real dialogue and theological enquiry takes place.  
  • The opportunity for pupils to deepen their understanding of the religion and world views as lived by believers.  
  • RE that makes a positive contribution to SMSC development and pupils who aspire to be all that they can be academically, morally and spiritually. 

At Lady Katherine Leveson, we respect the individual beliefs and values of our families. We recognise that parents have a legal right to withdraw their children from religious education (RE) lessons if they wish to do so.

If you decide to exercise this right, please inform us in writing, and we will arrange for your child to be appropriately supervised during these times. While we do not provide additional teaching during these periods, we ensure that all students are engaged in meaningful educational activities.

For further information or to discuss alternative arrangements for RE, please contact the school administration.